Carolyn Permentier
Mar 12, 2024 · 2 min read

B2B's Marriage of ABM and Inbound Marketing is Good for Business!

Account Based Marketing (ABM), combined with Inbound Marketing, makes for a winning strategy for B2B marketers.

It's the difference between a scatter-gun and a shot-gun approach. And B2B marketers have way too much to say to very specific audiences, so it just makes sense to talk to them directly and address their unique needs, one-on-one.

They don't care about anything else.

Unlike B2C, B2B marketing cannot use hype or influencer marketing that gets likes and shares.

You can't insult their intelligence that way — they just want to know, exactly...

"What can you do to solve MY problem better than your competitors, and how much will it cost?"

BOOM! That's it. No fluff. No aligning with the latest social demands in consumer markets... just the facts.

Account-based marketing raises the stakes by targeting one company (or one account) and further targets the decision-makers within this account with coordinated and high-touch sales and marketing tactics. In this way, ABM takes mass marketing and targets it to a market of one for that specific message. (Source)

So by providing extremely relevant content in your inbound marketing, you'll attract the right B2B prospects, offer them a truly valuable report in exchange for their contact info.

And now you're ready to...

Get out your shot-gun, take careful aim, and speak to each decision-maker in a way that SHOWS them that you understand their business, their challenges, and their competition — and HOW you can help them better than any other provider out there.

See how easy that was?

In case you need it (and I don't get anything from them), HubSpot says they can even automate this process for you. And you can download a helpful template to help you get all your ducks in a row before reaching out to Mr. Prospect. I found it useful.

If you're a B2B marketer and haven't married your in-bound marketing with your ABM, maybe it's time to plug up that white space?

I would love to work with you on any of your B2B marketing initiatives. I also have a lot of experience, ensuring there's no disconnect between sales and marketing.

Wishing you continued success with all your B2B marketing endeavors in 2024.

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Yours in B2B success,

