Carolyn Permentier
Mar 12, 2024 · 4 min read

Do the RIGHT Thing Because it's the RIGHT Thing to Do

"Do the right thing because it's the right thing to do."

This is one of the mantras I use for my personal and professional life... even though it can be a lonely road to travel at times.

When I'm quick enough, I allow this motto to guide me, as I consider what to say or do in any situation, personal or professional.

In marketing (as in life), it's so easy to fudge, manipulate, obfuscate, bend a little here and there... until one day I could become a 'prima' contortionist ready for the Cirque du Soleil!

I've often experienced people, and companies, who choose to do what's expedient over choosing the right thing to do. The end justifies the means.

There's a lot of talk about values in marketing-speak today. Brands talk about their values, and they appeal to the "values" of whatever audience they're trying to attract, so they'll be seen in a better light... and garner favor in their eyes.

What some marketers won't do for a 'click' — or a share, or just a bunch of 'likes'!

Shall we play a game?

Let's pretend I'm a company owner, and I make ice cream. I just love making ice cream, like my father and great grandfather before me.

We still use the recipes handed down by my great, great grandmother.

My inner integrity dictates that I keep the tradition alive, by making the best-tasting, highest quality ice cream this side of the Mason-Dixon line.

I don't scrimp on quality.

I use the purest ingredients and make my ice cream under the most hygienic conditions known to man. It's what I'd make for my own family.

This is what I stand for. This is who I am.

A child holding an ice cream cone</p>

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Now, there will undoubtedly be some people who don't like my ice cream. They may think it's just too rich-tasting — "too creamy," they may say.

So they buy gelato from a competitor, instead.

If I wanted to try to 'lure' (ahem, 'attract') these people, who don't like my creamy ice cream, but prefer gelato... these are some possible strategies I may consider:

  1. Try to convince them why my ice cream is better-tasting and better for them than gelato.

  2. Try to alter my recipe, so it'll be less creamy and more like a gelato.

  3. Accept that some people won't like my ice cream and continue to appeal to people, who will like my ice cream and appreciate the quality ingredients and standards.

  4. Hire a popular influencer, who'll say they love my ice cream whether they do or not, hoping their audience may buy some.

I'd have to choose #3 because I don't want to try to be what I'm not.

What would you do? Or maybe you have an altogether different approach?

Does my mantra, "Do the right thing because it's the right thing to do," make sense to you from a marketing perspective?

I hope the new year will bring a lot more truth and integrity in every aspect of our lives because it's so desperately needed IMO.

As marketers, let us do our part to EARN trust from the people we communicate with, who have every right to be distrusting in this crazy world we live in.

Please share your thoughts in the comments... and like, share, and subscribe to my newsletter.

Wishing you and your family an amazing NEW Year!

Here's my saying for 2024...


To me, that means to go for more good, more truth & honesty, more compassion, more LUV! 


