Carolyn Permentier
Mar 12, 2024 · 6 min read

Personalization Will be a BIG Trust Builder in 2024

I predict the brands that 're-think' their entire marketing strategies for 2024 and devise a cohesive plan to personalize their marketing messages will garner more trust — and be seen as more authentic.

In another edition of my newsletter, I talked about the huge number of Gen Zers that do not trust brands and will click off an ad, when it's an option.

It's like talking 'AT' them, rather than communicating 'with' them.

Based on insights from thousands of consumers around the world, the report, Ad blockers and advocacy: Why Gen Z is blocking paid ads in favour of real voices, finds that 99% of Gen Z consumers will hit ‘skip’ on an ad if it’s an option, and that nearly two-thirds (63%) use ad blockers to avoid online adverts.

So what 'real voices' do they trust, and how should they be delivered by brands?

Research shows that 84% of Gen Z consumers have lost faith in influencers. Not surprisingly, they're more inclined to make purchases based on authentic recommendations. In fact, 86% would be more inclined to buy a product recommended by a friend than a paid influencer.

People are hungry for 'personal connections.' And micro-influencers are often more relatable than those with millions of followers.

In 2024, brands will likely be looking to partner with small influencers to create a more personal connection with their audiences. Is this one of your strategies for next year?

Consumer trust is the invisible currency of commerce...

And data trust is a huge concern for consumers. Consumers need to trust in a brand's collection, analysis, and use of their consumer data.  

Data trust is vital for companies who are invested in understanding their customer, so they can deliver exceptional customer experiences (CX).

Data trust also increases the amount of data that people are willing to share when they believe the shared data will work toward personalizing and improving the CX.

But, clearly, if this fragile ‘trust’ between brands and consumers is broken, it will result in distrust and disloyalty. 

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Some Specific Things to Do to Personalize Communications with Prospects

Personalized email marketing...

1.    Segmentation: Divide your email list based on demographics, purchase history, or engagement level. Tailoring content to each segment makes the message more relevant.

2.    Behavioral Triggers: Send emails triggered by specific actions, like website browsing behavior, previous purchases, or cart abandonment. These emails can suggest related products or offer help in completing a purchase.

3.    Dynamic Content: Use dynamic content in your emails that changes based on the recipient’s preferences, past behavior, or demographic information. This could include product recommendations, location-specific information, or personalized images.

4.    Predictive Analytics: Utilize predictive analytics to forecast future purchases and suggest products that a customer is likely to buy.

5.    Personalized Subject Lines and Content: Using first names in subject lines is effective. Personalize the email's content, such as referencing their last purchase or offering deals on their birthday, etc.

6.    Feedback and Surveys: Encourage feedback through surveys within emails. I like this because it not only provides you valuable insights but also makes customers feel heard.

Other personalized marketing strategies...

1.    Personalized Website Experience: Use cookies and browsing data to personalize the website experience for repeat visitors. Show recently viewed products, personalizedrecommendations, or tailored content.

2.    Retargeting Ads: Implement retargeting campaigns that show benefit-focused ads to users based on their previous interactions with your website. It'll remind them of products they viewed but didn’t purchase. But don't be a nuisance.

3.    Social Media Engagement: Engage with customers on social media by responding to their comments, mentioning them in posts, or creating content based on user-generated content.

4.    Customized Offers and Deals: Based on customer purchase history or loyalty program data, create customized offers or deals that are specifically relevant to individual customers.

5.    Interactive Content: Use quizzes, polls, or interactive videos to engage customers. Based on their responses, provide personalized recommendations or information.

6.    AI Chatbots for Personalized Assistance: Implement AI-driven chatbots on your website or social media platforms that can provide personalized assistance, such as product recommendations or answers to specific queries.

7.    Local and Community-based Marketing: Personalize marketing efforts based on the local community or region. This could include local events, regional-specific products, or community partnerships.

8.    Direct Mail Personalization: Combine digital tactics with traditional ones like direct mail, using personalization techniques such as tailored letters or offers based on customer behavior.

9.    Video Marketing: Create personalized video messages or introductions for high-value prospects or loyal customers.

10.Mobile App Personalization: If applicable, use a mobile app to deliver personalized messages, notifications, and offers based on user behavior and preferences.

By integrating these personalized marketing strategies across various channels, you can show your prospects that you understand and cater to their specific needs and preferences that'll build stronger relationships and drive engagement and loyalty.

In Conclusion: People expect brands to speak to them in a meaningful way. They want to feel that you know what they want. And if you don't... just ask them!

Trust is not a gift. It's earned.

I'd love to work with your company to help devise unique, interesting, and fun ways to communicate with consumers — making it memorable!

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