Carolyn Permentier
Nov 11, 2023 · 1 min read

What Can Copywriters Learn From Einstein?

"If I had an hour to solve a problem, I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions." A. Einstein

I love this quote and keep it top of mind, when working with clients. And I'm often amazed at how even large corporate clients do not understand how utterly vital it is to properly isolate -- and thoroughly understand a problem -- BEFORE jumping in to fix it.

As a professional #kickasscopywriter, I can write anything, as most can. But if copywriters are not given the time to really understand the product/service (and why it's the best choice) and don't thoroughly understand the audience's business, challenges, and needs...

we're just stringing nice-sounding words together that don't resonate with our audience at all.

The result? Crickets.

To avoid the crickets... know thy product and know thy audience inside/out... before ever writing a single word. Writing's the easy part for me, it's the critical thinking that's hard.

This simple, yet profound, tactic was understood by the copywriting greats I've learned from... Gary Halbert, Dan Kennedy, Claude Hopkins, Eugene Schwartz... maybe they were channeling their inner Einstein!

What do you think about applying this Einstein quote to your marketing? Or just hire a professional copywriter, who'll dig deep to understand you, your products/services... and your audience. 

Happy Marketing!

Carolyn Permentier

#revenuegrowth #conversioncopy #salescopy #salesletters #directresponse #marketingstrategy