The Ric Edelman Radio Show

Weekly & Year-Round - October 17, 2018

Ric Edelman was named in the top 100 most important radio talk show hosts in the country in 2018, by Talkers Magazine. It was the 6th time he has been included in this list.

The weekly radio show aires on Saturday, and is pre-recorded earlier in the week. Ric takes callers' questions and answers them on-air. He talks about the latest news in the markets, the economy and (one of his favorite causes) the Social Security Crisis. He is the co-founder of an initiative, Funding Our Future, with the Bipartisan Policy Center in DC. As part of the weekly radio show, Ric interviews a different expert in the area of retirement security in America.

My job is to listen to the show, write headlines and summaries for the podcast and manage the process (including QA and compliance reviews) to ensure the podcast is posted on the web site early each week, following Saturday's show.

The Ric Edelman Radio Show